There are several ways in which i could sell my magazine such as online with its own site, on magazine stands or on adverts. I personally think that the Internet would be the best to sell it as now so many people use the Internet to do things and would also be able to carry it around with them on things such as Ipods. The Internet would also be good to publish on as many of my target audience will have the Internet and know how to use it. But i would also have my magazine on magazine stands for others that prefer to have it in paper.
The type of circulation that i would use would be the paid circulation as i would like it to stay a fit cost and my target audience cant afford to spend lots on a magazine and so i think that £2 pounds would be suitable for the type of magazine that it is. Maybe in a few years time i would think about putting the price up to match magazines such as Kerrang. I would defiantly not sell it by free circulation as i think this shows that the magazine is maybe not very good if it is not worth a lot of money and also buyers wold think that anyone could buy it and it wouldn't be set at a target audience but more at anyone who will buy it.
I think that Baur would be the best as my magazine fits that ones that they sell and i would have mine going out on a monthly basis with a fixed price and i would do offers to reader that buy my magazine over a long time.
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