Monday, 26 March 2012

Draft evaluation 6.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used many different programs to create my media product, listed below is all the programs that i used.

Photo shop- this was the main program that i used to create my magazine and with the tools on it, it allowed me to make the magazine just how i wanted it to look. I managed to have lots of practise and my magazine was much better after staying behind school to practise my skills.

Laptop/computer- the laptop allowed me to do extra pieces of research at home and i used to the school computers to create my magazine. unfortunately my laptop would not let my download photo shop so i had to make sure i stayed behind every week to make sure that my magazine was keeping up to date. I also unfortunately had a lot of problems with the school computers as they kept crashing but by staying being nearly every day i managed to get my work up to an acceptable look.

canon 1000d and tripod- this was the camera i used as it come through with a very good picture and all i have many different lenses in which i can use to suit the photo type. i also used a tripod so that my images did not come through blurry.

Microsoft word- i used this to type my dps interview up

Scribd- i used this so i was able to put my interview onto my blog.

Facebook- i used facebook to get feedback on my photos for my magazine so that people my age could tell me what they liked and didn't and if my image needed and more editing.

Animoto- i used this for my pitch as i found this very useful and engaged my class as i had music on it and it showed what i wanted them to see very well.

Memory stick- i used this as i put my photos onto my friends mac so that i could edit them better and i then used a memory stick to take them off that and then put them onto my laptop so i could put the photos onto my blog.

Internet- i used the internet for sharing my photos and i also used google and many other sites for my planning.

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