Thursday, 29 March 2012

Evaluation 7.

Looking Back at Your Preliminary Task

Evaluation 6.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Photoshop- i used photoshop for creating my media product. It helped me to edit pictures and to be able to do the layout that i wanted. This was the main program that i used throughout the process of making my product. i managed to get higher skills in this program by staying after school and trying things.

Laptop/computer- My laptop at home allowed me to do extra research but unfortunately it would not allow me to download photoshop. I used the school computers for all of my photoshop work and made sure that i stayed behind school every week so that i did not fall behind. Unfortunately i also had lots of problems with the school computer with them crashing but by staying behind i managed to get my work up to an acceptable standard which i am now happy with.

Microsoft word- i used this program to write up my draft article and also for other pieces of text and so then i could forward the work onto scribd.

Scribd- i used this by transferring my work off word onto this so that i could put things onto my blog.

Microsoft PowerPoint- i used this to answer some of question and then forwared it onto slide share so that it could be seen on my blog.

Slideshare- i used this so that i could transferee work onto my blog.

Facebook- i used this to get feedback from people me age about the pictures that i had taken. i also did it to see if they had any suggestions for different photos or improvements.

Animoto- i used this to answer question and to show what type of magazine my product would be. i found this very useful as i was able to put my own music on and it gets points across directly and quickly.

Canon 1000d and tripod- i used this camera for my photos as it has a very good picture and also allows me to set it how i want easily. i used the tripod so that i made sure that my pictures were not at all blurry and i could also work around with the camera by it being on the tripod.

Memory stick- i used this to transferee my photos off my friends mac and onto my laptop as i used the mac for editing my photos. this was a very easy and quick technique.

These are all the software and programs that helped me to develop my media product.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Evaluation 5.

Evaluation 4.

Evaluation 3.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that the best kind of media institution that would sell my media product would be Bauer media group and these are a large German publishing company that are based in Humberg. They operate and  sell magazines in 15 different countries so this would be good for my magazine as there would be a massive audience. The music magazines in which Bauer publish are Mojo which is the one my magazine is most like, Kerrang, and Q. I think that my magazine would fit easily into these as it has the same style of music but also offers different things such as guitar tips or festival tickets. The Bauer market currently has magazines mainly published towards men so i think that mine would also appeal to a female audience and so would be something different for the institution to sell and would benefit my magazine. As the company does not have a magazine that relates to a female audience then they would see mine as an opportunity to sell something new that would also fit their music type. They would also be able to make my magazine very successful as the magazine that they have already are very popular.
There are several ways in which i could sell my magazine such as online with its own site, on magazine stands or on adverts. I personally think that the Internet would be the best to sell it as now so many people use the Internet to do things and would also be able to carry it around with them on things such as Ipods. The Internet would also be good to publish on as many of my target audience will have the Internet and know how to use it. But i would also have my magazine on magazine stands for others that prefer to have it in paper.
The type of circulation that i would use would be the paid circulation as i would like it to stay a fit cost and my target audience cant afford to spend lots on a magazine and so i think that £2 pounds would be suitable for the type of magazine that it is. Maybe in a few years time i would think about putting the price up to match magazines such as Kerrang. I would defiantly not sell it by free circulation as i think this shows that the magazine is maybe not very good if it is not worth a lot of money and also buyers wold think that anyone could buy it and it wouldn't be set at a target audience but more at anyone who will buy it.
I think that Baur would be the best as my magazine fits that ones that they sell and i would have mine going out on a monthly basis with a fixed price and i would do offers to reader that buy my magazine over a long time.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Evaluation 2.

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups

Evaluation 1.

Draft evaluation 7.

Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I feel as though i have come very far in the way that i now use photoshop and the tools on it and other technologies.When i first started out on Photoshop my skill were below basic as it was something completely new to me but i feel as though i have come very far in the way that i use it and understand how it works. My final draft of magazine has improved massively as i had a full understanding of how it should look and what i could do that was possible to make it better.Also i think i have improved on my knowledge of how magazines are set out and how they look. i feel that the difference between my preliminary magazine to my real one that the editing is done much better and the way that it is set out is also much better. The way that i take photos has also improved as i have had to think much more about the lighting and where about the camera should be to work well with the model. i have also become much more quicker at editing things such as text and layout.
My knowledge of magazine has improved and this was mainly from analysing them when researching. I know more about how they engage an audience and why they use specific colours, images and fonts. My preliminary magazine did not have much of a variety of text or font and the colours were also not very outstanding. my images seemed quite boring and my contents pages shows hardly anything. Whereas my final magazine had colours that worked well together, a good variety of images and also my contents showed much more information. so i think that i have learnt the most about the layout and how to attract my audience the best.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Draft evaluation 6.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used many different programs to create my media product, listed below is all the programs that i used.

Photo shop- this was the main program that i used to create my magazine and with the tools on it, it allowed me to make the magazine just how i wanted it to look. I managed to have lots of practise and my magazine was much better after staying behind school to practise my skills.

Laptop/computer- the laptop allowed me to do extra pieces of research at home and i used to the school computers to create my magazine. unfortunately my laptop would not let my download photo shop so i had to make sure i stayed behind every week to make sure that my magazine was keeping up to date. I also unfortunately had a lot of problems with the school computers as they kept crashing but by staying being nearly every day i managed to get my work up to an acceptable look.

canon 1000d and tripod- this was the camera i used as it come through with a very good picture and all i have many different lenses in which i can use to suit the photo type. i also used a tripod so that my images did not come through blurry.

Microsoft word- i used this to type my dps interview up

Scribd- i used this so i was able to put my interview onto my blog.

Facebook- i used facebook to get feedback on my photos for my magazine so that people my age could tell me what they liked and didn't and if my image needed and more editing.

Animoto- i used this for my pitch as i found this very useful and engaged my class as i had music on it and it showed what i wanted them to see very well.

Memory stick- i used this as i put my photos onto my friends mac so that i could edit them better and i then used a memory stick to take them off that and then put them onto my laptop so i could put the photos onto my blog.

Internet- i used the internet for sharing my photos and i also used google and many other sites for my planning.

Draft evaluation 5.

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by asking them what sort of colours where there favorite together and what stype of layouts they like the best. My audience ranges from young teenagers to adults who have the same music interest. My audience is also wider as any aged musician will have an interest as  my magazine has tip and music artists that people will be interested in. I have designed my magazine in way that it will attract my audience by showing different things within it for different interests. My magazine is not based on a gender but I think it will more attract a male audience because of some of the colours that i have used and also some information within it would only attract males. But for females I have tried to attract them by putting a male artist on the front page and also have a touch of a girly look and some things like the indie fashion will interest them.

Draft evaluation 4.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be young adults to teenagers or any person that enjoys that type of music o matter how old they are. I think that the look of my product may attract females more as it will have a picture of a good looking model on the front and the design of it is more feminine, but both sexes are welcome to read it as there are things in it that will attract men.  My media product would also attracts a lot of of people that play an instrument such as an acoustic guitar as that is mostly the type of music that will be inside of it.. People who are just starting out can learn from it and other artists will find it interesting to read and learn so this means that my media product is open to a wide variety of people.

Draft evaluation 3.

What kind of media institution might distribute you media product and why?
The kind of institution that would distribute my media product would be as they sell lots of magazines that are more to do with acoustic music such as keyboards and guitars.  Most of their magazine are guitar magazine and my magazine would fit well in with the other magazine but maybe stand out more because of its look. Music mags produce many different types of music magazine and i think that mine would fit in well as they do not seem to sell many up to date artist magazines so mine would hit a better market. This is because they produce out many different types of magazines and by having mine then they would have a wider varetiy of the type of magazines that they sell. Although they produce out loads of the same type of music as mine, my product would be a different kind of look that they go for as mine is much more modern and up to date with what young people are buying today. Publishing is something that is opened into the public and is the distribution on work. distribution is how they are sold for example on a magazine stand or on the internet. There are three main categories of distribution and they are, paid circulation which is sold to people for a price, free circulation which means that there is no actual price, and controlled circulation which is only available to qualified reader and most of the time is free but includes a survey for feed back.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Draft evaluation 2.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents particular social groups as you can see on the front that the cours are not to in your face and the picture in also quite laid back. This will not draw people who like R&B music because it doesnt look like that. It will draw people who like acoustic music or rock as that it the look of it. So the type of social group I would say that it appeals to would be the 'indie groups' and musicians that play a guitar. The style of my magazine is very similar to the magazine Mojo because I think they attract the same sort of audience that I am so I have done mine like them so I know my audience will like it.  I chose my front cover artists to  be a male model that dresses indie so that he can attract both male and females. I also thought that my male artists had a sort of John Mayer look also and this represents the type of music that is in my magazine.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Draft Evaluation 1.

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of music magazines)

My media product has used most of the current forms and conventions of real media products. This is because i have based my magazine around acoustic styled music. Unlike the magazine mojo my magazine has a new artist on the front so is not as famous. this isn't what usual magazines use as they try to show the most up to date artists and the ones that people are most likely to know. whereas in my magazine i decided to use a new artist as it shows them a chance to make it big and people can become interested in who it is. the colours that i used on my magazine represent are more softer relaxed indie look as i used a mustard yellow instead of white like mojo. i wanted it to look a little different to what is out there but have the same sort of layout as real music magazines. i did this by following the indie genre and looked at the most colours that popped up and also went well together with my music and layout of the magazine. The layout of my front cover is quite different as i have only put cover lines of the left hand side of my magazine. Although my magazine used a lot of similar things to real media products the layout of my front colour has challenged it. Most magazines would use both sides to fill up the whole page but i wanted to go for a tidy look. My contents has used forms and conventions also from real magazines as they layout and use of images look similar. In my contents i have mixed up the pictures of people who are and who are not famous to bring in my audience. my doubled page spread i would say has challenged forms and conventions of real magazines as i have used one whole side of it for my images, and the layout of the other side is quite unusual. i have also made sure the coklours of my models clothes matched my colour scheme so that it all matches well.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Halfterm questions.

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A1: My media product challenges forms and conventions of real media products as it has a different kind of look and use of colours. An example of this is that the convention colours are slightly different as i have used black, maroon red, and mustard yellow as my colour scheme. Whereas conventions of real media products use black, white and bold normal red. My media product will develop the same sort of form as a real media product as it will be set out in the same way throughout. It may look a little different because of the fonts, colours and pictures that i will be using, but the form will be similar.

Q2: How does your media product represent different social groups and why?

A2: My media product represents different social groups by having different types of acoustic music such as slow acoustic, rock acoustic, and a little of folk acoustic. This allows it to represent different types of artists and the type of music that they do. This will help my audience relate to the magazine and what type of things are in it. I have done this so that it brings in lots of different music lovers as some people may not just like the typical slow acoustic but may like different genres within acoustic type music. By having this it can appeal to lots of different social groups of people.
The pictures below have many similarities as i tried to make my model look a bit like John Mayer and also to have the same sort of style. I like the style of the picture and how it is set out as it works with my magazine cover well in the way things are presented. they are very similar in the way the model are sitting and the type of pose they are doing, they also have the same look. The differences are only minor by having my model closer and looking into the lens, i did this to try and engage my audience more, and so they can see his face.

Q3: What type of media institution might publish your media product and why?

A3: The type of media institution that might publish my media product would be Bauer media magazines. This is because they produce out many different types of magazines. Although they produce out loads mine would be something new to what they normally sell. My selling a new different music magazine it would bring in a big profit for Bauer. Publishing is something that is opened into the public and is the distribution on work. distribution is how they are sold for example on a magazine stand or on the internet. There are three main categories of distribution and they are, paid circulation which is sold to people for a price, free circulation which means that there is no actual price, and controlled circulation which is only available to qualified reader and most of the time is free but includes a survey for feed back.

Q4: Who would be the target audience for your media product?

A4: The target audience for my media product would be young adults mainly but it will be open to a variety of ages. I think that the look of it may attracts males more it is set for both sexes to read and enjoy. My media product would also attracts a lot of different types of music artists. People who are just starting out can learn from it and other artists will find it interesting to read. So my media product should be open to a lot of people. The picture below shows the type of person who would but my magazine, they dress casually but smart and would shop in places such as next or Topman. The sort of music that they listen too is a mixture of different acoustic artists such as Ed Sheeran and John Mayer and they also listen to some rock bands such as Nickleback and coldplay, both these bands also do acoustic songs. The sort of TV programs that my audience watches is The big bang theory and scrubs or music channels. So they are very big into music.

Q5: How did you attract/address your audience?

A5: I attracted my audience by relating to the sort of colours and looks that that type of audience would like. by having it use the same sort of colours they like or wear and having a particular look that they would like apose to bold blue with a picture of a rapper on the front i knew that my target audience would not relate to it for the music i want in my magazine. So by using black, maroon red, and mustard yellow and a picture that is quite calm it matches the style of music and my target audience will relate to this better.

Monday, 27 February 2012

improvments of magazine.

Things i need to improve on are:
  • put my own pictures on and take some new photos
  • create more pages on my contents
  • put page numbers
  • have more of a variety of fonts/size
  • make collumns equal on DPS
  • creat different facts on 'fun facts'
  • use a better photo on DPS
  • use different font for 'josh douglas' on DPS
  • add date to FC
  • add price to FC
  • more variety of fonts/size on FC
  • Space pictures out better on contents
  • have more engaging pictures on contents
  • Need too replicate FC picture better
  • need page numbers on pictures on contents
  • need more detail in text on contents
  • need to put my own photos onto the magazine
  • need smaller article font on DPS
  • need new pictures of model as he looks too 'pretty'

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Feedback of draft magazine.

Purdey: level 3
  • included appropriate props and good photos
  • good variety of shots allows to see props
  • all links to same style
  • photos well lit
  • photos over exposed
  • good sized photos
  • realistic interview
  • could do with some clever linking
  • conventions used
  • rule of 3rds is used well
  • some text didn't stand out as much as others
  • good use of IT
  • need more pages
  • add date and price and page numbers

Luke: level 3
  • good use of shots
  • good variety of shots
  • all relates to music style
  • all picture as farily clear
  • pictures on contents page need to stand out more and are streched wrong
  • good grammer
  • consistant colour scheme
  • good use of fonts especially on front page
  • colour scheme has been used well
  • use of photo shop is high

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


 this is where i wanted my DPS background to be but i decided it was too much of a close shot. Below is the the different shots and positions we tried.

i was thinking of using this image for my double page spread, this is becaus i think it shows the type of person that my artist is well and there is also a nice setting around and the colours match well with my magazine colours.
 i likes this shot better as it showed a wider range of the picture.

i liked this one but the colours were coming out too blue so i edited it beneath.
i was also thinking of this one for my double page spread but am not sure which is best, what do you think?
i like it for the same reasons.
 this is another one of my models and i like this image for my contents

i was going to edit some more images on but it didnt work.
this is going to be my cover image as it looks neat and tidy and give the audience a good look at my artist.
this was a test shot of it being in colour but i prefer black and white
i played about with some photo shop tools to have a look and what music efect i could give my image, but i will not be using this in my magazine.
this is an image for my contents as it is one of my music bands.
i took this photo myself on a tripod and thought that this could also be used in the contents to show a variety of artists.

tell me what you think of my images (: